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Rounding Off 2022 in the London Property Market

2022: overview of the London property market

As we round off 2022, we wanted to look back on all that has happened this year, as well as look forward to what we can expect in
It's been a year of challenges for the country as a whole and for the economy in particular. Throughout all this, the property market has proven to be very resilient and has remained strong.  The Office of National Statistics reported at the end of Deccemaer that London saw an annual house price increase of 6.7%. Flats and apartments saw the highest price increases of 9.5%.  Buyers remain active, particularly foreign buyers aided by a weak pound. 

Special mention goes to the rental market, which has been full of obstacles for us all in the industry and probably the most challenging market to date. If you have tried to rent a property in Central London this past year, you will know how difficult it was. And the smallest the property, the less the market made sense, with sealed bids happening in 1 bed flats.

There have not all been wins but we are specially proud of what we managed to achieve as a team.

We are certain 2023 will bring its own set of challenges as well as opportunities, but we remain confident that the property market as an asset class will continue to be an attractive proposition. Our  clients know the value that London offers in the long term.

Moving into the New Year, we will remain dedicated to providing the best, most up to date advice to our clients.
As always, we'd be delighted to assist you with any of your property requirements - so please get in touch should you need us. We are always happy to help
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